Uzbekistan Positions Itself as a Global IT Outsourcing Hub: Insights from the Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Dubai


MD ijaz Dhanot Digital Marketer SEO expert
MD Ijaz



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February 14, 2025 8:14 pm


Al Nahada Dubai

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Uzbekistan Positions Itself as a Global IT Outsourcing Hub: Insights from the Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Dubai

By Ahmed Al Abri
Dubai, UAE – Uzbekistan is setting its sights on becoming a prominent player in the global IT outsourcing market, as evidenced by the success of the Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference held in Dubai on February 15th. Organized by the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and IT Park, the event attracted over 100 leading experts, business representatives, and investors, showcasing Uzbekistan’s potential as a new center for IT outsourcing.
The conference served as a platform to highlight Uzbekistan’s favorable conditions for IT outsourcing, including tax incentives, support programs, availability of qualified personnel, and a developed IT infrastructure. With 41 residents of IT Park exporting IT services and digital products to the United Arab Emirates totaling $19.7 million in 2023, the main objective of the event was to boost these figures and promote Uzbekistan as an attractive destination for IT businesses.
Key figures and officials attended the conference, including the Minister of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Shermatov, and the CEO of IT Park, Farkhad Ibragimov. Representatives from leading IT and BPO companies, venture funds, and investors also shared their experiences and insights into doing business in Uzbekistan.
International companies and partners such as IDA Ireland, Amity Education Group, TBC Group, Veon ADTeCh, and Kanoo Group highlighted the opportunities and prospects for cooperation in Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, residents of IT Park showcased their innovative solutions, laying the groundwork for new business relationships.
One of the key advantages emphasized during the conference was Uzbekistan’s human capital. With nearly two-thirds of the population under 30 and over 30,000 students graduating annually from universities in IT-related fields, Uzbekistan boasts a highly skilled and multilingual workforce—a crucial asset for outsourcing services.
The creation of the International Center for Digital Technologies Enterprise Uzbekistan was also highlighted as a significant step towards facilitating global business operations through Uzbekistan. The center will provide a conducive environment for conducting business, offering services such as a regulatory sandbox, intellectual property protection, government and banking services, as well as support in labor, customs, and tax legislation.
Minister Sherzod Shermatov emphasized the importance of the event in showcasing Uzbekistan’s IT potential and establishing close ties with the global IT community. The conference aims to strengthen Uzbekistan’s position in the global IT outsourcing sphere, with projected outcomes including the opening of representative offices by more than 15 companies, creating new jobs for local IT specialists.
Uzbekistan’s journey towards becoming an IT outsourcing hub has been marked by significant progress. Since the establishment of IT Park in 2019, the number of residents has steadily increased, reaching 1,652 by the end of 2023. The collective value of services provided by IT Park residents amounted to $1.0 billion, with a notable increase in the export of IT services and products.
Tax incentives offered to IT Park residents further enhance Uzbekistan’s attractiveness as a destination for IT outsourcing. Residents enjoy full exemption from corporate taxes, while non-residents benefit from reduced tax rates. Programs such as “Zero Risk” and “Regional Headquarters” provide additional incentives for foreign companies seeking to enter the Uzbek market.
The Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Dubai underscored Uzbekistan’s commitment to positioning itself as a global IT outsourcing hub.
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